

My landlords (girlfriend's aunt and uncle) tried to kill my kitten today. Literally kill. I came home from work to head rustling and muted howling coming from behind the garage. I went back there to find my kitten, Willow, stuck in a supposedly humane and lethal body trap. She's howling in agony and fear and I'm struggling to get her out. Those traps are meant to be stepped on to release the spring, but I would have certainly killed the poor cat had I done that, since half the trap was around her neck and the other half was around her ribcage; there was blood coming out of her mouth. I thought she was a goner. So I'm screaming my bloody head off for my girlfriend to come and help me, and she comes running out to wiggle the kitten out of the barely open trap. I'm crying in pain, fear and frustration all the while the landlords are down at the back part of the property looking up at us. They called to see what the commotion was all about and Mary told them that "one of the cats got stuck in their fucking trap".
We took the kitten to the emergency vet to get her checked out. She showed every sign of being ok, just shaken up. The blood was from her biting her tongue. 
I tore the rest of the traps the landlord had set to catch the groundhog living under the garage. Four traps at the entrance of separate burrows. 
She (landlord, ironically named "Kitty") called later to ask how the cat was and I unloaded on her. I didn't yell, I didn't swear. I just informed her of her extremely irresponsible and borderline sociopathic behavior. What if her grandchildren had been playing around the traps? What if her son's dog had sniffed one of the borrows? She knows we care for the cats (she asked us to get barn cats to keep the mice in check, we tried to make them house pets, she told us no) and yet still chose to put LETHAL spring traps around their hunting grounds. She said "Don't call me sociopathic. We'll talk about this tomorrow" I don't like waiting; I like to get things over and done with immediately. I'll probably have to find another place to live pretty soon.
Am I wrong here? What can I do? 

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